Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed


The Bridge in Parks: The Five Eyes and Cold War Counter-Intelligence. University of Toronto Press, 2021 (ASPP funded).

An Exceptional Law: Section 98 and the Rise of the Emergency State, 1919-1936. Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History and the University of Toronto Press, 2017 (SSHRC and ASPP Funded). Ranked number 3 on The Hill Times 100 Best Books of 2017

Deportation of Immigrants and Ethnics in Canadian History Booklet. Commissioned by the Canadian Historical Association as part of the “Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada/l’immigration et l’ethnicité au Canada” booklet series. Fall/Winter 2018.


In the Field of Espionage There’s No Such Thing As Peacetime, The Official Secrets Act and the PICNIC Wiretapping Program.” Canadian Historical Review 98 3 (September 2017).

How the Cold War Began…With British Help: The Gouzenko Affair Revisited.” Labour/Le Travail. Volume 79 (Spring 2017).

Citizens of the World: Law, Deportation and the Homo Sacer,1932-1934,” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47 3 (2015)143-162.

Annihilation Without Representation: Canada, Cuba and the use of Intelligence in the Cuban Missile Crisis.Polymath: An International Arts and Sciences Journal 4 4 (Fall 2014).

“‘A Species of Treason?’ Deportation and Nation-Building: The Case of Tomo Čačić 1929-1934.Canadian Historical Review 91 1 (March 2010): 61-85.

Book Chapters

Section 98: The Trial of Rex v. Buck et al and the ‘State of Exception’ in Canada, 1919-1936.” In Wright, Barry, Susan Binnie, Eric Tucker eds. Canadian State Trials Volume 4. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015.

Calculated Diplomacy: John Diefenbaker and the Origins of Canada’s Cuba Policy.In Wright, Robert and Lana Wylie eds. Our Place in the Sun: Canada and Cuba in the Castro Era. eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Book Reviews

My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File (review),” Surveillance & Society, (Fall 2018).

A Place in the Sun: Haiti, Haitians and the Remaking of Quebec (review),” Labour/Le Travail 80 (Fall 2017).

Jobs and Justice: Fighting Discrimination in Wartime Canada (review),” Canadian Ethnic Studies, Volume 48 1 (2016).

The Italians Who Built Toronto: Italian Workers and Contractors in the City’s Housebuilding Industry, 1950-1980 (review).” Labour/Le Travail (Spring 2016).

“Secret Service: Political Policing in Canada from the Fenians to Fortress America(review).” Canadian Historical Review. Volume 94 1 (March 2013): 161-163.

Re-imagining Ukrainian Canadians: History, Politics and Identity (review). Canadian Historical Review 93 2 (2012): 332-334.

Other Publications

Active History

Canada’s Secret Archives,” Active History, 25 May 2017.

Peaceable Kingdom or Emergency State? The Legacy of Canada’s First World War for Security Regulation and Civil Rights.Active History. 20 December 2016.

Encyclopedia Entries

Section 98.The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Deportation.The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Social Justice.The Canadian Encyclopedia.